VC10 1101/1103/1103R/SUPER 1151/SUPER 1154 MANUAL # 5
UPDATED: June 30th 2023. [/img]
Check payload is correctly distributed to avoid imbalance during flight .... prior to engine startup.
Check fuel quantity is correct for the intended flight (with sufficient reserves to accommodate either holding and/or diversion to an alternate airport) and is properly distributed to avoid imbalance during flight .... prior to engine startup.
Check all engines are shutdown .... prior to engine startup.
Check all PAX Doors are closed .... prior to engine startup.
5.01: STARTUP.Check Anti-Collision and Navigation Lights are "ON" .... prior to engine startup.
Start engines #1, #2, #3, and #4.
PLEASE NOTE: Engines #1, #2, #3, and #4. can be started manually from the Starter sub panel or automatically using the FS CTRL+E engine auto-start option.
5.02: PRE-DEPARTURE PREPARATION.Check all panel systems are correctly configured .... prior to taxiing.
Check correct/required COM/Radio Frequencies are set .... prior to taxiing.
Check correct/required VOR/ADF Radio Frequencies are set .... prior to taxiing.
Recheck Anti-Collision, Navigation, and Taxi Lights are "ON" .... prior to taxiing.
Check Landing Lights are "OFF" .... prior to taxiing.
Check Pitot Heat switches are "ON" .... prior to taxiing.
Check Wing Spoilers are fully retracted .... prior to taxiing.
Set Slats/Flaps (20* degrees for T/O) .... prior to taxiing.
Set Elevator Trim (3.5* degrees for MGW T/O VC10 STANDARD .... 3.9* degrees for MGW T/O VC10 SUPER) prior to taxiing.
Check FD is "ENGAGED" (no red bar displaying within the AI gauge) .... prior to taxiing.
AI with FD "OFF"AI with FD "ON"Check a target altitude is entered into the "ALTITUDE SELECTOR" .... prior to taxiing.
Check a target Heading is set .... and the HSI Heading Indication within the HSI gauge reflects the selected heading .... prior to taxiing.
Check a target Course is set .... and the HSI Course Indicator within the HSI gauge reflects the selected course .... prior to taxiing.
Check the AT is "OFF" .... prior to taxiing.
PLEASE NOTE: The VC10 AT system is limited to a maximum of 180 KTS and is only be used within the approach to landing circuit and never during climb, cruise, or decent.
Check the correct T/O V1, VR, V2, and VAT safety speeds (in relation to weight and Flap settings) appear within Airspeed Chinograph .... and upon clicking the Chinograph check the Speed Bugs within the ASI gauge are correctly set in accordance with the Chinograph computations .... prior to taxiing.
Check "AP" Switch is "OFF" .... prior to taxiing.
Check "YD" switch is "OFF" .... prior to taxiing.
Check Altimeter Barometric Pressure indication reads "1012/2991" (or as required) .... prior to taxiing.
Perform elevator, aileron, and rudder control checks .... prior to taxiing.
Select WX Radar "ON"
5.03: TAXIING. Taxiing should not be commenced until all engines are stable after the successful completion of startup procedures.
Select the Taxi Lights "ON" .... prior to taxiing.
Release the Brakes .... increase engine thrust to commence slow taxiing.
Once the simulation is moving .... reduce engine thrust in order to maintain a sensible taxiing speed (approximately 15-20 KTS) .... and be prepared to further adjust engine power in order to maintain a sensible taxiing speed.
PLEASE NOTE: Engine power settings in relation to taxiing speed will vary in accordance with the simulations weight .... and the natural ground friction phenomenon which can vary between FS scenery.
5.04: TAKE OFF & INITIAL CLIMB Upon entering the active RWY select the Landing Lights "ON" .... prior to commencing T/O.
Select the Taxi Lights "OFF" .... prior to commencing T/O.
Recheck the YD is "OFF" .... prior to commencing T/O.
Recheck Anti-Collision and Navigation Lights are "ON" .... prior to commencing T/O.
Recheck the Pitot Heat switches are "ON" .... prior to commencing T/O.
Recheck Wing Spoilers are fully retracted .... prior to commencing T/O.
Recheck Slats/Flaps are extended (20* degrees for T/O) .... prior to commencing T/O.
Recheck Elevator Trim is set (3.5* degrees for MGW T/O VC10 STANDARD .... 3.9* degrees for MGW T/O VC10 SUPER) .... prior to commencing T/O.
Recheck the correct/required COM/Radio Frequencies are set .... prior to commencing T/O.
Recheck the correct/required VOR/ADF Radio Frequencies are set .... prior to commencing T/O.
Recheck all NAV Instruments are set correctly .... prior to commencing T/O.
Recheck the AP is "OFF" .... prior to commencing T/O.
Recheck the AT is "OFF" .... prior to commencing T/O.
Recheck the FD is "ENGAGED" (no red bar displaying within the AI gauge) .... prior to commencing T/O.
Recheck an initial target altitude is entered into Altitude Selector .... prior to commencing T/O.
Recheck the correct T/O V1, VR, V2, and VAT safety speeds (in relation to weight and Flap settings) appear within Airspeed Chinograph .... and upon clicking the Chinograph check the Speed Bugs within the ASI gauge are correctly set in accordance with the Chinograph computations .... prior to commencing T/O.
Recheck Altimeter Barometric Pressure indication reads "1012/2991" (or as required).
Align the simulation with the RWY center line.
Set maximum engine thrust .... T/O power should not be set in excess of RPM/N2 96%.
PLEASE NOTE: An RPM/N2 100% TO power setting may be used for HGW TO on shorter RWY's.
Release the Brakes.
Commence T/O acceleration.
PLEASE NOTE: A rolling T/O procedure following taxiing may be performed .... if desired.
T/O power must be achieved by 80 KTS during any T/O roll or the T/O attempt abandoned.
Rotation should be commenced slowly and smoothly upon the "ROTATE" call out .... resulting in a smooth lift-off from the RWY by the pre-bugged V2 safety speed.
"DO NOT" over-rotate the simulation .... over-rotation "WILL" increase potential for either a tail-strike upon rotation or impair airspeed acceleration following T/O with added risk of a stall due to an excessive AI pitch attitude.
Retract the landing gear as the VSI needle cycles through its 500 FPM positive ROC indication.
Following any MGW T/O .... and "prior to" Slats/Flaps retraction .... the simulations initial ROC should be restricted to no more than 1,500 FPM.
PLEASE NOTE: A slightly higher ROC may be established following any reduced weight T/O.
PLEASE NOTE ALSO: Under no circumstances should the AI pitch attitude be allowed to exceed +8" degrees following any T/O.
The ROC may be increased slightly upon retraction of Slats/Flaps.
The recommended Slats/Flaps retraction airspeed following T/O are as follows ....
- SLATS/FLAPS 20 RETRACT = 215 KTS to KTS .... increase ROC to 2,000 FPM
The AP should be selected "ON" as early possible "after" T/O and "prior to" Slats/Flaps retraction.
PLEASE NOTE: "DO NOT" engage the AP at less than 1,000 FT after T/O whilst also not exceeding 1,500 FPM ROC. Failure to ensure this may result in the AP being unable to capture and maintain the established ROC following T/O.
PLEASE NOTE ALSO: Engaging the AP early is only intended to promote ease of handling the simulation during this otherwise busy phase of virtual flight .... the AP may be enaged later if desired.
Upon engaging the AP set the ROC using the AP Vert Speed Thumb Wheel .... not per the Datum Adjust selector.
AP "HEADING" mode should be enged as early as possible after Slats/Flaps retraction and a stable ROC is established. AP Heading Mode must be engaged by selecting the "AP FD Rotary Switch to its "HDG" detent. The target Heading .... displayed within the HSI gauge .... may then be further adjusted (as required) per the HSI gauge Heading selector.
The above AP actions ensure the simulation is able to capture the pre-selected heading, and begin climbing toward the pre-selected target altitude and at a specific ROC, at the earliest possible stage "after" engaging these auto-flight modes.
PLEASE NOTE: No AP modes can be selected unless the AP is first engaged.
Slats/Flaps should be fully retracted by 220 KTS and the simulation "clean" by 230 KTS or by approximately 3,000 FT.
Select the AP YD "ON" following Slats/Flaps retraction.
Once a clean configuration has been established and the simulation is stable in the climb, with an AI pitch not exceeding 8* degrees, set climb thrust/reduce engine power 93% RPM/N2 .... and maintain a ROC not exceeding 2,000 FPM or in excess of 250 KTS below 10,000 FT.
Either AP "VS, IAS" or "MACH" pitch modes may be engaged throughout any AP controlled climb or descent.
AP "IAS" pitch mode should only be used below 26,000 FT and not below 250 KTS or in excess of 275 KTS.
AP "MACH" pitch mode should only be used above 26,000 FT and not below 275 KTS or in excess of 300 KTS.
PLEASE NOTE: AP "IAS" and MACH" pitch modes should not be considered AT modes.
PLEASE NOTE ALSO: AP "VS" pitch mode is the recommended climb mode .... the AP Datum Adjust selector should not be used to set, and maintain, a specific or prolonged ROC as an alternative to either AP "VS, IAS", or "MACH" pitch modes.
Either AP "HDG" or "VOR/LOC" navigation modes may be engaged during AP controlled climb and in conjunction will all other auto-flight modes in order to establish the simulation on a specific heading or VOR/LOC course radial.
Upon intercepting any pre-selected VOR/LOC course radial using AP HDG mode the AP FD Rotary switch must be set to is "VOR/LOC" detent. The target Course .... displayed within the HSI gauge .... may be further adjusted (as required) per the HSI gauge Course selector.
Upon intercepting and acquiring any pre-selected VOR radial the simulation may gently weave several degrees left, and right, over the intended course and in decreasing increments for up to a few minutes, or so, prior to eventually stabilizing upon the pre-selected VOR radial .... this is a perfectly normal FS phenomenon.
Select the Landing Lights "OFF" .... once the simulation is stable and established in the climb.
Recheck Anti-Collision and Navigation Lights are "ON" .... once the simulation is stable and established in the climb.
Recheck the Pitot Heat switches are "ON" .... once the simulation is stable and established in the climb.
Recheck the Altimeter Barometric Pressure indication reads "1012/2991" below 18,000 FT (or as required) .... once the simulation is stable and established in the climb.
Recheck a target altitude is entered into the "ALTITUDE SELECTOR" .... once the simulation is stable and established in the climb.
The pre-selected target altitude entered into Altitude Selector may be further adjusted during climb and prior to reaching the selected altitude without disengaging the AP.
During AP controlled climb towards cruising altitude the ROC may be manually adjusted (as desired) using the AP Vert Speed Thumb Wheel .... but only whilst AP is engaged .... "DO NOT" use the AP Datum Adjust selector to manipulate ROC throughout the climb to cruising altitude.
All engine parameters, primary flight instrumentation, and navigation indications must be constantly monitored following T/O, with the simulations performance and progress along any airway monitored also, and adjusted .... if necessary .... throughout any climb toward cruising altitude.
PLEASE NOTE: It is essential to constantly check, and adjust if necessary, engine thrust at every 1,000 FT of climb toward the target cruising altitude in order to ensure performance.
PLEASE NOTE ALSO: Failure to adjust, and maintain, the recommended power settings throughout any climb toward the target cruising altitude will result in either excessive airspeed loss or gain that will impact flight performance.
PLEASE NOTE ADDITIONALLY: The VC10 AT should not ever be used during climb.
5.05: CLIMB TO CRUISING ALTITUDE - AP VS PITTCH MODE. Throughout any climb toward cruising altitude ensure the AP remains fully engaged.
Recheck Landing Gear and Slats/Flaps have retracted.
Rexheck Climb thrust (RPM/N2 93%) is set.
Recheck Anti-Collision and Navigation Lights are "ON" .... once the simulation is stable and established in the climb.
Recheck the Pitot Heat switches are "ON" .... once the simulation is stable and established in the climb.
Recheck the Altimeter Barometric Pressure indication reads "1012/2991" below 18,000 FT (or as required) .... once the simulation is stable and established in the climb.
Recheck a target altitude is entered into the "ALTITUDE SELECTOR" .... once the simulation is stable and established in the climb.
Recheck the FD is "ENGAGED" (no red bar displaying within the AI gauge) .... once the simulation is stable and established in the climb.
Recheck the YD is engaged.
Either AP "HDG" or "VOR/LOC" navigation modes may be engaged during AP controlled climb and in conjunction will all other auto-flight modes in order to establish the simulation on a specific heading or VOR/LOC course radial.
Upon intercepting any pre-selected VOR/LOC course radial using AP HDG mode the AP FD Rotary switch must be set to is "VOR/LOC" detent. The target Course .... displayed within the HSI gauge .... may be further adjusted (as required) per the HSI gauge Course selector.
Upon intercepting and acquiring any pre-selected VOR radial the simulation may gently weave several degrees left, and right, over the intended course and in decreasing increments for up to a few minutes, or so, prior to eventually stabilizing upon the pre-selected VOR radial .... this is a perfectly normal FS phenomenon.
Once a clean configuration has been established and the simulation is stable in the climb, with an AI pitch not exceeding 8* degrees, set climb thrust/reduce engine power 93% RPM/N2.
PLEASE NOTE: the indicated AI ;pitch attutude will graduall reduce with altitude, ROC adjustmentment, and airspeed gain throughout the climb to cruising altituder
Following Landing gear and Slat/Flap retraction maintain a ROC not exceeding 2,000 FPM or in excess of 250 KTS below 10,000 FT .... then .... use the AP VS Thumb Wheel to manually set, and adjust, the ROC in accordance with the following altitude levels whilst also maintaining the following recommended manual power settings ....
- Between 5,000 FT and 10,000FT and with a ROC not exceeding 2,000 FPM engine power should be set and maintained at RPM/N2 = 93%
- Between 10,000 FT and 15,000FT and with a ROC not exceeding 1,800 FPM engine power should be set and maintained at RPM/N2 = 93%
- Between 15,000 FT and 20,000FT and with a ROC not exceeding 1,500 FPM engine power should be set and maintained at RPM/N2 = 93%
- Between 20,000 FT and 24,000FT and with a ROC not exceeding 1,200 FPM engine power should be set and maintained at RPM/N2 = 93%
- Between 24,000 FT and 26,000 FT and with a ROC not exceeding 1,000 FPM engine power should be set and maintained at RPM/N2 = 93%
- Between 26,000 FT and 28,000 FT and with a ROC not exceeding 800 FPM engine power should be set and maintained at RPM/N2 = 93%
- Between 28,000 FT and 30,000 FT and with a ROC not exceeding 500 FPM engine power should be set and maintained at RPM/N2 = 92%
- Between 30,000 FT and 31,000 FT and with a ROC not exceeding 200 FPM engine power should be set and maintained at RPM/N2 = 91%
- Upon intercepring and acquiring a cruising altitude of 31,000 FT engine power should be set and maintained at RPM/N2 90%
PLEASE NOTE: Using AP "VS" mode "DO NOT" use the AP Datum Adjust selector to manipulate ROC throughout the climb to cruising altitude.
Airspeed during any climb towards cruising altitude should never be allowed to deteriorate below 250 KTS.
Climbing through 18,000 FT the Altimeter Barometric Pressure indication should be adjusted to read "1013/2992". Failure perform this procedure will result in an incorrect altitude indication by the time the simulation nears the intended target cruising altitude.
Reference to the MACH velocity gauge should be prioritized over IAS gauge indications from approximately 26,000 FT ..... IAS airspeed references will be observed to stagnate or deteriorate slowly throughout climb beyond 26,000 FT.
Following any MGW T/O 31,000 FT should be considered a practical intermediate target cruising altitude.
Climb beyond 31,000 FT following any MGW departure "IS NOT" recommended. Following any T/O at much less than MGW or following substantial fuel burn off later during cruise then climb to higher cruising altitudes (35,000 FT to 39.000 FT) is more practical.
All engine parameters, primary flight instrumentation, and navigation indications must be constantly monitored during climb, with the simulations performance and progress along any airway being similarklary monitored too, and adjusted .... if necessary .... throughout the climb toward cruising altitude.
PLEASE NOTE: It is essential to constantly check, and adjust if necessary, engine thrust at every 1,000 FT of climb toward the target cruising altitude in order to ensure performance.
PLEASE NOTE ALSO: Failure to adjust, and maintain, the recommended power settings throughout any climb toward the target cruising altitude will result in either excessive airspeed loss or gain that will impact flight performance.
PLEASE NOTE ADDITIONALLY: The VC10 AT should not ever be used during climb.
5.05-A: CLIMB TO CRUISING ALTITUDE - ALTERNATIVE PROCEDURE - IAS & MACH PITCH MODES.Throughout any climb toward cruising altitude ensure the AP remains fully engaged.
Recheck Landing Gear and Slats/Flaps have retracted.
Rexheck Climb thrust (RPM/N2 93%) is set.
Recheck Anti-Collision and Navigation Lights are "ON" .... once the simulation is stable and established in the climb.
Recheck the Pitot Heat switches are "ON" .... once the simulation is stable and established in the climb.
Recheck the Altimeter Barometric Pressure indication reads "1012/2991" below 18,000 FT (or as required) .... once the simulation is stable and established in the climb.
Recheck a target altitude is entered into the "ALTITUDE SELECTOR" .... once the simulation is stable and established in the climb.
Recheck the FD is "ENGAGED" (no red bar displaying within the AI gauge) .... once the simulation is stable and established in the climb.
Recheck the YD is engaged.
Either AP "HDG" or "VOR/LOC" navigation modes may be engaged during AP controlled climb and in conjunction will all other auto-flight modes in order to establish the simulation on a specific heading or VOR/LOC course radial.
Upon intercepting and acquiring any pre-selected VOR radial the simulation may gently weave several degrees left, and right, over the intended course and in decreasing increments for up to a few minutes, or so, prior to eventually stabilizing upon the pre-selected VOR radial .... this is a perfectly normal FS phenomenon.
Once a clean configuration has been established and the simulation is stable in the climb, with an AI pitch not exceeding 8* degrees, set climb thrust/reduce engine power 93% RPM/N2.
PLEASE NOTE: the indicated AI pitch attutude will graduall reduce with altitude, ROC adjustmentment, and airspeed gain throughout the climb to cruising altituder
Following Landing gear and Slat/Flap retraction maintain a ROC not exceeding 2,000 FPM or in excess of 250 KTS below 10,000 FT
Between 10,000 FT and 26.00FT and between 250 KTS and 275 KTS ..... engage AP "IAS" mode.
Between 26,000 FT and 31.00FT (or higher) and between 275 KTS and 300 KTS ..... engage AP "MACH" mode.
Using AP "IAS" or "MACH" mode the ROC and corresponding airspeed should "approximate" the following recommended altitide/ROC/airspeed schedule during any climb toward cruising altitude ....
- 10,000 FT reduce ROC to 1,800 FPM 260 KTS
- 15,000 FT reduce ROC to 1,500 FPM 265 KTS
- 20,000 FT reduce ROC to 1,200 FPM 270 KTS
- 24,000 FT reduce ROC to 1,000 FPM 275 KTS
- 26,000 FT reduce ROC to 800 FPM 280 KTS
- 28,000 FT reduce ROC to 500 FPM 285 KTS
- 30,000 FT reduce ROC to 200 FPM 290 KTS
- 31,000 FT ALT CAPTURE 295 KTS/MACH 0.80
PLEASE NOTE: Using AP "IAS/MACH" mode "DO NOT" use the AP Datum Adjust selector to manipulate ROC throughout the climb to cruising altitude.
PLEASE NOTE ALSO: Using AP "IAS/MACH" mode throughout climb toward ctuising altitude subtle manual adjustment/s to engine thrust are necessary in order to maintain both airspeed/velocity and maintain the recommended ROC
PLEASE NOTE ADDITIONALLY: Using AP "IAS/MACH" mode and throughout climb toward ctuising altitude ....any reduction in engine thrust will result in a corresponding ROC decrease ROC whilst any increase in engine thrust will result in a corresponsing ROC increase.
Airspeed during any climb towards cruising altitude should never be allowed to deteriorate below 250 KTS.
Climbing through 18,000 FT the Altimeter Barometric Pressure indication should be adjusted to read "1013/2992". Failure perform this procedure will result in an incorrect altitude indication by the time the simulation nears the intended target cruising altitude.
Reference to the MACH velocity gauge should be prioritized over IAS gauge indications from approximately 26,000 FT ..... IAS airspeed references will be observed to stagnate or deteriorate slowly throughout climb beyond 26,000 FT.
Following any MGW T/O 31,000 FT should be considered a practical intermediate target cruising altitude.
Climb beyond 31,000 FT following any MGW departure "IS NOT" recommended. Following any T/O at much less than MGW or following substantial fuel burn off later during cruise then climb to higher cruising altitudes (35,000 FT to 39.000 FT) is more practical.
From this point the AP will fly the simulation toward the pre-selected target cruising attitude, with ROC being controlled and manually adjusted adjusted througghout the climb and per the AP Vert Speed Thumb Wheel, airspeed being controlled per manual power adjustment/s, and navigation being controlled per the selected VOR/LOC course or HDG navigation input.
All engine parameters, primary flight instrumentation, and navigation indications must be constantly monitored during climb, with the simulations performance and progress along any airway being similarklary monitored too, and adjusted .... if necessary .... throughout the climb toward cruising altitude.
PLEASE NOTE: It is essential to constantly check, and adjust, engine thrust at every 1,000 FT of climb toward the target cruising altitude in order to ensure performance.
PLEASE NOTE ALSO: Failure to adjust, and maintain, the recommended power settings throughout any climb toward the target cruising altitude will result in either excessive airspeed loss or gain that will impact flight performance.
PLEASE NOTE ADDITIONALLY: The VC10 AT should not ever be used during climb.
5.06: ACQUIRING CRUISING ALTITUDE AND LEVEL ACCELERATION DURING CRUISE.Climbing through 18,000 FT the Altimeter Barometric Pressure indication should be adjusted to read "1013/2992". Failure perform this procedure will result in an incorrect altitude indication by the time the simulation nears the intended target cruising altitude.
Within the final 1,000 FT of climb toward any pre-selected target cruising altitude, and to assist the smoothest possible automatic altitude capture and hold, the ROC should never exceed the following recommendations ....
- Approximately 1,000 FPM ROC within 1,000 FT of any target cruising altitude.
- Approximately 500 FPM ROC within 500 FT of any target cruising altitude.
- Approximately 200 FPM ROC within 200 FT of any target cruising altitude.
- Approximately 100 FPM ROC within 100 FT of any target cruising altitude.
A ROC in excess of 200 FPM within the final 500 FT of climb towards any pre-selected target cruising altitude is "not recommended" .... and may result in a mild progressively decreasing porpoising oscillations for several minutes following the automatic altitude capture and hold.
Upon intercepting the pre-selected altitude AP "ALT" mode must be manually engaged in order to captue and maintain the selected altitude.
PLEASE NOTE: The VC10 AP does not (intentionally) feature an auto-altitude capture function.
In the event of an altitude capture either below, or above, the target altitude use the AP "DATUM AJUST" selector to adjust, and acquire, the intended altitude.
"DO NOT DISENGAGE THE AP .... AND DO NOT DISENGAGE AP ALT .... THE AP DA FEATURE FUNCTION WITHOUIT DISENGAGING EITHER". Left mouse clicking the left side of the DA Secletor results in a 100 FPM ROD response per each input. Left mouse clicking the right side of the DA Seclecor results in a 100 FPM ROC response per each input. Setting the DA selector to "0" FPM ROC/ROD upon intercepting the intended target altitude results in an altitude capture.
Upon acquiring the pre-selected target cruising altitude the AP will gently pitch simulations nose "up" and "down" for several moments prior to capturing, and then maintaining, the pre-selected altitude .... this is perfectly normal FS behavior.
Upon acquiring cruising altitude engine power must be manually adjusted .... to RPM/N2 90% .... and the simulation then allowed to accelerate toward a maximum of 320 KTS/MACH 0.84.
PLEASE NOTE: At 31,000 FT 305 KTS/MACH 0.80 should be considered the best economic performance .... and 315 KTS/MACH 0.82 the recommended airspeed/velocity .... and 320 KTS/MACH 0.84 considered the maximum airspeed/velocity.
PLEASE NOTE ALSO: IAS airspeed/MACH velocity indications (in FS) are determined by a combination of engine power setting, altitude, air temperature at altitude, and simulated weight.
Once established in the high-speed/high altitude cruise regime these VC10 simulations should demonstrate an approximately +1* (degree) through +0.5 AI pitch attitude within the 305 KTS/MACH 0.80 through 320 KTS/MACH 0.84 velocity range at 31,000 FT.
During high altitude/high speed cruise, and over both distance and flight duration, engine RPM needs to be constantly checked .... reduce slightly .... in order to maintain airspeed/MACH velocity as the simulation becomes progressively lighter subsequent to fuel (weight) burn-off.
Recheck the FD is "ENGAGED" (no red bar displaying within the AI gauge) .... during cruise.
From this point the AP will fly the simulation throughout the cruise and maintain the captured altitude, with airspeed being controlled per manual power adjustment/s, and navigation being controlled per the selected VOR/LOC course or HDG navigation inputs.
Either AP "HDG" or "VOR/LOC" navigation modes may be engaged during AP controlled climb and in conjunction will all other auto-flight modes in order to establish the simulation on a specific heading or VOR/LOC course radial.
Upon intercepting any pre-selected VOR/LOC course radial using AP HDG mode the AP FD Rotary switch must be set to is "VOR/LOC" detent. The target Course .... displayed within the HSI gauge .... may be further adjusted (as required) per the HSI gauge Course selector.
Upon intercepting and acquiring any pre-selected VOR radial the simulation may gently weave several degrees left, and right, over the intended course and in decreasing increments for up to a few minutes, or so, prior to eventually stabilizing upon the pre-selected VOR radial .... this is a perfectly normal FS phenomenon.
All engine parameters, primary flight instrumentation, and navigation indications must be constantly monitored during cruise, with the simulations performance and progress along any airway being similarlary monitored too, and adjusted .... if necessary .... throughout the cruise.
PLEASE NOTE: It is essential to constantly check, and adjust if necessary, engine thrust throughout the cruise in order to ensure performance.
PLEASE NOTE ALSO: Failure to adjust, and maintain, the recommended power settings throughout the cruise will result in either excessive airspeed loss or gain that will impact flight performance.
PLEASE NOTE: The VC10 AT should not ever be used during cruise.
5.07: DESCENT.In aviation 2 sayings are common in relation to most aircraft types ....
- "some aircraft go down fast but won't slow down fast".
- "slow down before going down".
The descent .... in particular .... must be planned, and controlled, or one can/"WILL" (potentially) get into trouble very quickly
The descent "procedure" .... from 31,000 FT .... should be commenced from "no less than" approximately 110 DME "prior to" any destination airport or its nearest navigation aid (subject to airport geographic elevation).
PLEASE NOTE: From 31,000 FT .... and following sufficient deceleration "prior to commencing descent" (decelerating toward 290 KTS is recommended descent airspeed) .... the actual descent (TOD) should not be commenced until approximately 100 DME "prior to" any destination airport or its nearest navigation aid (subject to airport geographic elevation).
A new target descent altitude should be entered into the AP Altitude Selector (set MSA for the intended destination airport pattern).
At precisely 110 DME "prior to" the intended destination airport or its nearest navigation aid .... manually reduce engine power to approximately RPM/N2 85% and maintain level flight in order to aid deceleration.
At precisely 100 DME "prior to" the intended destination airport or its nearest navigation aid .... disengage AP "ALT" mode.
Using the AP Vert Speed Thumb Wheel manually set a 2,000 FPM ROD .... and further manually reduce engine thrust to approximately RPM/N2 80%.
The simulation will descend at between 290 KTS and 300 KTS at 2,000 FPM ROD.
The ROD may be further adjusted (as required) throughout the using the AP Vert Speed Thumb Wheel.
The simulation should demonstrate an approximately 0* to -1" (degree) AI pitch attitude throughout most of the descent.
Recheck the FD is "ENGAGED" (no red bar displaying within the AI gauge) .... during descent.
Recheck the YD is engaged .... during descent.
Reference to the IAS gauge should be prioritized over MACH gauge indications from approximately 26,000 FT. IAS airspeed references will be observed to increase slowly throughout descent beyond 26,000 FT.
Descending through 17,000 FT the Altimeter Barometric Pressure indication should be adjusted to read "1012/2991" (or as required). Failure perform this procedure will result in an incorrect altitude indication by the time the simulation nears the intended destination airport MSA for the approach pattern.
From this point the AP will fly the simulation throughout the descent, with airspeed being controlled per manual power adjustment/s, and navigation being controlled per the selected VOR/LOC course or HDG navigation inputs.
Either AP "HDG" or "VOR/LOC" navigation modes may be engaged during AP controlled descent and in conjunction will all other auto-flight modes in order to establish the simulation on a specific heading or VOR/LOC course radial.
Upon intercepting any pre-selected VOR/LOC course radial using AP HDG mode the AP FD Rotary switch must be set to is "VOR/LOC" detent. The target Course .... displayed within the HSI gauge .... may be further adjusted (as required) per the HSI gauge Course selector.
Upon intercepting and acquiring any pre-selected VOR radial the simulation may gently weave several degrees left, and right, over the intended course and in decreasing increments for up to a few minutes, or so, prior to eventually stabilizing upon the pre-selected VOR radial .... this is a perfectly normal FS phenomenon.
Descending through 10,000 FT the AT controlled airspeed should be reduced to 250 KTS.
From 10,000 FT the ROD should also be reduced to 1,000 FPM.
Upon intercepting the pre-selected altitude AP "ALT" mode must be manually engaged in order to captue and maintain the selected altitude.
Upon acquiring cruising altitude engine power must be manually adjusted .... to between RPM/N2 82% and RPM/N2 83% .... and the simulation then allowed to decelerate toward a minimum airspeed of 225 KTS and with an approximately +1* pitch attitude during level and AP controlld flight.
In the event of an altitude capture either below, or above, the target altitude use the AP "DATUM AJUST" selector to adjust, and acquire, the intended altitude.
"DO NOT DISENGAGE THE AP .... AND DO NOT DISENGAGE AP ALT .... THE AP DA FEATURE FUNCTION WITHOUIT DISENGAGING EITHER". Left mouse clicking the left side of the DA Secletor results in a 100 FPM ROD response per each input. Left mouse clicking the right side of the DA Seclecor results in a 100 FPM ROC response per each input. Setting the DA selector to "0" FPM ROC/ROD upon intercepting the intended target altitude results in an altitude capture.
PLEASE NOTE ALSO: IAS airspeed/MACH velocity indications (in FS) are determined by a combination of engine power setting, altitude, air temperature at altitude, and simulated weight.
All engine parameters, primary flight instrumentation, and navigation indications must be constantly monitored during descent, with the simulations performance and progress along any airway being similarlary monitored too, and adjusted .... if necessary .... throughout the cruise.
PLEASE NOTE: It is essential to constantly check, and adjust, engine thrust at every 1,000 FT of descent toward the target descent altitude in order to ensure performance.
PLEASE NOTE ALSO: Failure to adjust, and maintain, the recommended power settings throughout any descent toward the target descent altitude will result in either excessive airspeed loss or gain that will impact flight performance.
PLEASE NOTE: The VC10 AT should not ever be used during descent.
5.08: APPROACH TO LANDING - AP AUTO-APPROACH MODE/ILS GS MODE. With a full payload the approach to landing should not be commenced with in excess of 15%-20% total fuel remaining .... "at the very most". Flying any approach to landing overweight "WILL" result in difficulties. Fuel loading should be planned/calculated for each flight .... "prior to" departure .... and in order to ensure the simulation is not overweight upon arrival at its destination airport but also with sufficient fuel quantity remaining to accommodate holding and/or a diversion to any alternate airport.
5,000 FT (AGL) and 250 KTS may be considered a practical altitude and target airspeed at which to enter the pattern "prior to" commencing the approach to landing at any destination (SL) airport.
PLEASE NOTE: Procedures and MSA's are specific to and vary from airport to airport.
Check the AP is fully engaged.
Check the correct landing V-REF data (in relation to weight and flap settings) appears within Airspeed Chinograph .... and upon clicking the Chinograph check the ASI Speed Bugs are correctly set in accordance with the Chinograph computations .... prior to commencing any approach to landing.
Check the Altimeter Barometric Pressure indication reads "1012/2991" (or as required) .... prior to commencing any approach to landing.
Check the correct/required COM/Radio Frequencies are set .... prior to commencing any approach to landing.
Check the correct/required VOR/ADF or RWY ILS Radio Frequencies are set .... prior to commencing any approach to landing.
Check an HSI Course is set to reflect the intended ILS radial/RWY center line direction .... and the HSI Course Indicator reflects the selected course .... prior to commencing any approach to landing.
Entering the downwind legue of any approach to landing pattern the simulations airspeed should be slowly reduced from toward 250 KTS toward 225 KTS.
In level flight during the downwind sector, clean, and at approximately 225 KTS, the simulation should be observed to display and approximately +1* (degree) AI pitch attitude.
A long final approach legue (approximately 18 DME) is preferable to a much shorter approach to landing. This promotes additional time for the simulation to become properly aligned with, and stabilized on, the intended ILS/GS for any destination airport RWY.
Entering the base legue at the commencement of any approach to landing Slats/Flaps 20 should be selected .... and the AT engaged and set for 180 KTS.
PLEASE NOTE: 180 KTS is the maximum selectable airspeed using the VC10 AT.
PLEASE NOTE ALSO: The AT functions independently of the AP.
These VC10 simulations are capable of flying either an AP controlled ILS/GS coupled auto-approach to landing or a fully automatic/auto-land procedure .... with absolute precision.
These VC10 simulations are capable of flying an AP controlled ILS/GS coupled auto-approach to landing from a 90* (degree) axis of intercept .... although a 25* to 30* (degree) intercept should be considered preferable.
Once established on the base legue of any auto-approach to landing AP "AUTO GS" mode should be egaged .... in order to enable the AP to automatically intercept and capture ILS/GS radial for the intended RWY.
Upon intercepting the ILS radial select Gear Down (approximate 180 KTS AT).
Upon capturing the ILS/GS radial and commencing auto-descent for the intended RWY reseet the AT in accordance with calculated VAT airspeed (STANDARD VC10 = 134 to 131 KTS AT/SUPER VC10 = 136 to 135 KTS AT)
The heading indicator within the HSI gauge should be adjusted to reflect the intended ILS RWY heading.
PLEASE NOTE: With AP "AUTO GS" mode engaged adjustments the HSI heading indication will not influence the auto-approach to landing .... it is merely to pre-set a heading for the AP to follow in the event of a go-around.
Select FLAPS 35 at 165 KTS .... and continue reducing airspeed toward the Chinograph calculated VAT airspeed.
Select FLAP 45/FULL FLAPS at 145 KTS .... and continue reducing airspeed the Airspeed Chinograph calculated VAT airspeed.
Select YD "OFF" .... prior to landing.
Select Landing Lights "ON" .... prior to landing.
Recheck Flaps 45/FULL FLAPS are "SELECTED" .... prior to landing.
Recheck the Landing Gear is "DOWN" .... prior to landing.
Throughout deceleration during the approach to landing and in accordance both full flaps and landing gear deployments, and a sensible landing weight also, the simulation should be observed to display and approximately +0.5* to +0.7 (degree) AI pitch attitude.
Flying the approach to landing is a delicate balance of engine thrust and airspeed, in relation to simulated weight in order to maintain the correct/a desirable AI pitch attitude during any approach to landing .... and in conjunction with both Slats/Flaps and Landing Gear deployments .... and without risking either insufficient or excessive airspeed or an unacceptable ROD.
Excessive airspeed during any approach to landing will cause the simulations pitch attitude to decrease in accordance with airspeed gain .... possibly to the extent of encouraging a prolonged dive toward the RWY threshold .... if not corrected .... and with the added risk of a nose gear collapse, and crash, upon ground contact.
Insufficient airspeed during any approach to landing will cause the simulations pitch attitude to increase in accordance with airspeed loss .... possibly to the extent of encouraging RWY visibility problems, unacceptable airspeed deterioration (risking an irrecoverable stall) .... if not corrected .... and with the added risk of a tail strike, and crash, upon ground contact.
These VC10 simulations do not feature altitude GPWS call outs.
The minimum approach to landing airspeed should not be allowed to deteriorate below the calculated VAT airspeed.
The AT should be disengaged at 500 FT .... prior to landing .... and engine manually power adjusted to maintain a stable approach to landing..
The AP should be disengaged at "100 FT" .... prior to landing.
A slow smooth manual flare to an approximately +2* to +3* (degree) AI pitch attitude should be commenced from approximately 50 FT .... prior to landing.
Engine power should be retarded to its "IDLE" detent at approximately 10 FT .... prior to landing .... and with the ROD decent reduced to less than 50 FPM in order to ensure a smooth touchdown so as to avoid bouncing the simulation upon ground contact.
The Wing Spoilers must be manually deployed immediately upon Main Gear contact with the RWY .... and the simulation slowly de-rotated in order to land the Nose Gear.
Engage Reverse Thrust (keyboard command F2) only after nose gear contact with the RWY .... and only after all 4 engines are indicating idle thrust.
Reverse Thrust should be cancelled (keyboard command F1 .... or F3 selected repetitively in order to gently ease out of reverse) between 80 KTS and 60 KTS during roll-out after landing and manual/hydraulic braking action then applied in order to continue deceleration toward a sensible taxiing speed.
Retract Slat/Flaps.
Vacate the RWY per the nearest exit.
Set Elevator Trim to its neutral detent.
Select Landing Lights "OFF" .... upon vacating the RWY.
Select Taxi Lighting "ON" .... upon vacating the RWY.
Taxi to gate.
5.08-A: APPROACH TO LANDING - AP AUTO-APPROACH MODE/AUTO-LAND MODE.With a full payload the approach to landing should not be commenced with in excess of 15%-20% total fuel remaining .... "at the very most". Flying any approach to landing overweight "WILL" result in difficulties. Fuel loading should be planned/calculated for each flight .... "prior to" departure .... and in order to ensure the simulation is not overweight upon arrival at its destination airport but also with sufficient fuel quantity remaining to accommodate holding and/or a diversion to any alternate airport.
5,000 FT (AGL) and 250 KTS may be considered a practical altitude and target airspeed at which to enter the pattern "prior to" commencing the approach to landing at any destination (SL) airport.
PLEASE NOTE: Procedures and MSA's are specific to and vary from airport to airport.
Check the AP is fully engaged.
Check the correct landing V-REF data (in relation to weight and flap settings) appears within Airspeed Chinograph .... and upon clicking the Chinograph check the ASI Speed Bugs are correctly set in accordance with the Chinograph computations .... prior to commencing any approach to landing.
Check the Altimeter Barometric Pressure indication reads "1012/2991" (or as required) .... prior to commencing any approach to landing.
Check the correct/required COM/Radio Frequencies are set .... prior to commencing any approach to landing.
Check the correct/required VOR/ADF or RWY ILS Radio Frequencies are set .... prior to commencing any approach to landing.
Check an HSI Course is set to reflect the intended ILS radial/RWY center line direction .... and the HSI Course Indicator reflects the selected course .... prior to commencing any approach to landing.
Entering the downwind legue of any approach to landing pattern the simulations airspeed should be slowly reduced from toward 250 KTS toward 225 KTS.
In level flight during the downwind sector, clean, and at approximately 225 KTS, the simulation should be observed to display and approximately +1* (degree) AI pitch attitude.
A long final approach legue (approximately 18 DME) is preferable to a much shorter approach to landing. This promotes additional time for the simulation to become properly aligned with, and stabilized on, the intended ILS/GS for any destination airport RWY.
Entering the base legue at the commencement of any approach to landing Slats/Flaps 20 should be selected .... and the AT engaged and set for 180 KTT.
PLEASE NOTE: 180 KTS is the maximum selectable airspeed using the VC10 AT.
PLEASE NOTE ALSO: The AT functions independently of the AP.
These VC10 simulations are capable of flying either an AP controlled ILS/GS coupled auto-approach to landing or a fully automatic/auto-land procedure .... with absolute precision.
These VC10 simulations are capable of flying an AP controlled ILS/GS coupled auto-approach to landing from a 90* (degree) axis of intercept .... although a 25* to 30* (degree) intercept should be considered preferable.
Once established on the base legue of any auto-approach to landing AP "AUTO GS" mode should be egaged .... in order to enable the AP to automatically intercept and capture ILS/GS radial for the intended RWY.
Upon intercepting the ILS radial select Gear Down (approximate 180 KTS AT).
Upon capturing the ILS/GS radial and commencing auto-descent for the intended RWY reseet the AT in accordance with calculated VAT airspeed (STANDARD VC10 = 134 to 131 KTS AT/SUPER VC10 = 136 to 135 KTS AT)
The heading indicator within the HSI gauge should be adjusted to reflect the intended ILS RWY heading.
PLEASE NOTE: With AP "AUTO GS" mode engaged adjustments the HSI heading indication will not influence the auto-approach to landing .... it is merely to pre-set a heading for the AP to follow in the event of a go-around.
Select FLAPS 35 at 165 KTS .... and continue reducing airspeed toward the Chinograph calculated VAT airspeed.
Select FLAP 45/FULL FLAPS at 145 KTS .... and continue reducing airspeed the Airspeed Chinograph calculated VAT airspeed.
Select YD "OFF" .... prior to landing.
Select Landing Lights "ON" .... prior to landing.
Recheck Flaps 45/FULL FLAPS are "SELECTED" .... prior to landing.
Recheck the Landing Gear is "DOWN" .... prior to landing.
Once established on the final approach and with Slat/Full Flaps and Landing Gear extended AP "FLARE" mode should be engaged .... in order to enable the AP to perform a full "AUTO-LAND" procedure for the intended RWY.
Throughout deceleration during the approach to landing and in accordance both full flaps and landing gear deployments, and a sensible landing weight also, the simulation should be observed to display and approximately +0.5* to +0.7 (degree) AI pitch attitude.
Flying the approach to landing is a delicate balance of engine thrust and airspeed, in relation to simulated weight in order to maintain the correct/a desirable AI pitch attitude during any approach to landing .... and in conjunction with both Slats/Flaps and Landing Gear deployments .... and without risking either insufficient or excessive airspeed or an unacceptable ROD.
Excessive airspeed during any approach to landing will cause the simulations pitch attitude to decrease in accordance with airspeed gain .... possibly to the extent of encouraging a prolonged dive toward the RWY threshold .... if not corrected .... and with the added risk of a nose gear collapse, and crash, upon ground contact.
Insufficient airspeed during any approach to landing will cause the simulations pitch attitude to increase in accordance with airspeed loss .... possibly to the extent of encouraging RWY visibility problems, unacceptable airspeed deterioration (risking an irrecoverable stall) .... if not corrected .... and with the added risk of a tail strike, and crash, upon ground contact.
These VC10 simulations do not feature altitude GPWS call outs.
The minimum approach to landing airspeed should not be allowed to deteriorate below the calculated VAT airspeed.
"DO NOT" disengage the AP .... prior to landing.
"DO NOT" disengage the AT .... prior to landing.
The AP will commence a slow smooth auto-flare to an approximately +2* to +3* (degree) AI pitch attitude from approximately 50 FT .... prior to landing.
The AT will auto-retard engine powwr at approximately 10FT .... prior to landing.
The Wing Spoilers must be manually deployed immediately upon Main Gear contact with the RWY .... and the simulation slowly de-rotated in order to land the Nose Gear.
Engage Reverse Thrust (keyboard command F2) only after nose gear contact with the RWY .... and only after all 4 engines are indicating idle thrust.
Reverse Thrust should be cancelled (keyboard command F1 .... or F3 selected repetitively in order to gently ease out of reverse) between 80 KTS and 60 KTS during roll-out after landing and manual/hydraulic braking action then applied in order to continue deceleration toward a sensible taxiing speed.
Retract Slat/Flaps.
Vacate the RWY per the nearest exit.
Set Elevator Trim to its neutral detent.
Select Landing Lights "OFF" .... upon vacating the RWY.
Select Taxi Lighting "ON" .... upon vacating the RWY.
Taxi to gate.
Mark C