Post by aerofoto - HJG Admin on Jan 18, 2018 20:05:11 GMT
"THANKS" George .... tired and hurrying (as usual) you see .... I failed to spot that.
I have seen it previously, but, was aware of it all anyway .... since I was around DC-10's (at AKL/NZAA) for a very long time between the very late 1970's and early 1990's.
I wouldn't regard all of what's presented there as representing "different variants" as from "a production/marketing perspective" there were really only around 7 major DC-10 variants (-10, -10CF, -15, -30, -30CF, -40, -40D, and -40I) .... each of which featured their own physical differences. There were at least 15 "principle" configurations among DC-10's though .... which include all off these sub types (and later included the -30ER and freighter conversions of the -40D and -40I) .... which resulted in different engine type and thrust, and weight, variations to meet the operational and technical requirements of a small number of commercially/strategically important airlines (the DC-10-40's operated by both JAL and NWA fall very much into this category .... in regard to these airlines requiring DC-10 capacity for some of their route network but whom wanted to retain engineering commonality with their P&W JT9D powered B747-100's/-200's) .... and which resulted minor physical differences due to variations between the 2 types of JT9D engines used by both airlines. In service, and during later production the DC-10 was "modified" (this doesn't constitute variation) .... to alleviate minor technical deficiencies (details that kept breaking .... like the Splitter Plates on DC-10-10's .... or which created maintenance headaches for some operators), and to also improve the aircrafts aerodynamic efficiency (reduce fuel burn .... by up to 3%) as the international price of jet fuel really began skyrocketing from the early 1970's. All of this is actually described .... if not adequately illustrated .... above.
Post by alex94 on Jan 19, 2018 4:24:41 GMT
There ya go, all over it mark! Something I've noticed too, is the long engine spike on the NW powered -40 series. What particular jt9d was that? Alex
Post by George Carty - HJG on Jan 19, 2018 4:35:05 GMT
There ya go, all over it mark! Something I've noticed too, is the long engine spike on the NW powered -40 series. What particular jt9d was that? Alex JT9D-20 George
Post by aerofoto - HJG Admin on Jan 19, 2018 7:04:42 GMT
George is "CORRECT" .... and JT9D-59A for the JAL -40I's ("derated" for the -40D's)
Post by alex94 on Jan 19, 2018 11:44:10 GMT
Thanks guys! Was always curious
Post by aerofoto - HJG Admin on Jan 19, 2018 19:52:22 GMT
I hadn't noticed that actually .... BUT .... the answer to your queries (in regard to engine details at least) "IS" actually stated within the descriptions accompanying my 2nd posting at the very start of this thread. Always pays to review the data provided first .... and which in tge case of data/description/explanation provided by me is usually always "pretty thorough" .... if not lengthy by virtue of that necessity/preference on my own part Mark C AKL/AKL
Post by alex94 on Jan 20, 2018 14:13:07 GMT
Ahhh you’re right, sorry must’ve glossed over it and not noticed. Will try and pay more attention next time 😝
Post by alex94 on Apr 12, 2018 0:20:54 GMT
Would be interesting to see the glass cockpit upgrade for the MD-10 created by your team mark
Post by aerofoto - HJG Admin on May 2, 2018 2:09:12 GMT
Time to present "a little" more information regarding this project .... and kindly bear-in-mind we can only work on it as personal time allows our development team to do so .... These new DC-10 panels will feature a "Fuel Dumping/Jettison System" .... similar to that which has always been featured within our L-1011 panels, but, a more sophisticated (not diffucult) replication of the actual DC-10 system which is worked from the F/E panel .... and which (being based on actual DC-10 manuals/schematics, and real world assistance sought by us) is now a multi-function sub panel that's far superior to the F/E panel accompanying our L-1011 panels. Once this fuel jettison system is properly configured to dump fuel .... this procedure will also result in the following external fuel dumping effect/s being displayed .... NEW DC-10 PANELS -.... Fuel Dump/Jettison Systen TestOur new DC-10 panels will also feature a far superior WX/Weather Radar display too .... NEW DC-10 PANELS -.... WX Radar SystemIt will function, and present FS weather indications, almost identically to that of the new (soon to be released) L-1011 panel WX radar system which has been presented within the following linked recent thread .... tonymadgehjg.proboards.com/thread/9017/new-1011-tristar-panel-edits. In order for this WX radar to function (and also the fuel transfer system compiled into the accompanying F/E panel) it "is" essential to have Pete DOWSON's FSUIPC installed (as is the case with the WX Radar units within each of HJG 's own panels among those we've also imported and modified for use with our own simulations) .... in either non-registered (with "NORMAL DEFAULTS" only option selected) or fully registered versions .... both options work. Read more: tonymadgehjg.proboards.com/thread/9065/dassault-mercure-panel-edits#ixzz5GDQd3C1jWithout giving the show away too soon (and which we're simply not going to be enticed into doing anyway) .... these new DC-10 panels will feature "a lot" of functionailty for those whom like that .... whilst also being quite practical for those with simpler tastes too. Mark C AKL/NZ
Post by aerofoto - HJG Admin on Jul 1, 2018 11:28:03 GMT
Probably time for another report .... since "WE ARE" now "VERY CLOSE" to being ready to release this particular new project .... almost 3 years in the making, but, that's precisely what it takes in order to study, consult, analyse, compile, test, and perfect a quality project like we've we've produced in this case (this development team simply don't rush, and won't be rushed, so, to hell with the wait ) .... and which very soon you'll all be able to see, hopefully enjoy, and also understand why it's taken as long as it has to develop what we now have. This new DC-10 project .... though its new panels component in particular .... is composed of complexity that's probably akin to that of our current DC-9 and L-1011 panels series .... but .... I think it's also fair to say that what George has, through his "un-paralleled genius", been able to compile is somewhat "more superior" to these previous projects .... and from which our new DC-10 project has benefitted These new DC-10 panels feature all the systems fidelity necessary .... "for those whom like/want that" .... BUT .... for those whom don't care for this sort of immersion these panels will load into FS with an engines and all essential systems running scenario too .... both tastes being more than adequately catered for per various different scenarios. Among the new features represented within our new DC-10 panels series are the following .... - Both standard/round analogue and tape engine instrument configurations .... with engine instrumentation calibrated in accordance with each of the different engine marques (within the limits of FS tolerances) .... each panel is aircraft type/base pack specific in this regard.
- New left side/captain and right side/FO view Main Panels options with improved gauges.
- New Overhead sub panel .... with ground service support features.
- New Center Pedestal sub panel with new Spoiler Lever arming and auto-deployment function.
- New FE panels with functional APU, electrical, hydraulics, pneumatics, fuel systems with fuel transfer capabilities .... and fuel dumping capability also with external vapour effects.
- New WX radar with colour display.
- New dynamic weight and flap detent calibrated V-REF chart (with auto-updating T/O and landing data) which interacts with the ASI.
- New/much improved multi-function MCP with VS and IAS climb modes, dual AT, dual AP with Auto-Flare/Auto-Land as well as manual landing capabilities.
- New panel/gauge night lighting/illumination options.
- New FDE (including an alternative FDE suite for use with the soon to become old HJG DC-10 panels as well as non-HJG supplied panel options too).
- Revised GE CF6-6, GE CF6-50, and P&W JT9D turbofan soundpacks .... separate FS2004 and FSX specific versions of each.
- INS, GPS, and VOR to VOR navigation capabilities.
- Operating windshield wipers.
- T/O V-Speed callouts.
- FPDA GPWS altitude call-outs and other DC-10 type warnings/alerts.
- FPDA gear wind effect (FS2004 only).
- AND LAST BUT BY NO MEANS LEAST OF ALL .... all DC-10 panels are fully FS2004 and FSX compatible.No panel imagery of videos of these to show you yet .... and this won't be done until almost the very last minute anyway. In the meantime .... here's some imagery recorded during recent test flights .... Mark C AKL/NZ
Post by Klaus Hullermann on Jul 1, 2018 12:10:03 GMT
Great news about those DC-10 panels. What complex panels you guys (especially George!) are creating! I'm sure that they will be a joy to use in the MSFS!!
Post by M.I.B. on Jul 1, 2018 16:57:12 GMT
I've been enjoying my payware CLS DC-10s so very much ever since I got them many years ago. And I never imagined there would ever come a day when I'd actually be willing to retire them, in favor of some better future alternatives for FS9, payware or freeware, the creation and release of which seemed a scenario less likely to happen than me having a close encounter of the 3rd kind with citizens of the Sombrero galaxy. I mean...we're talking about the ancient FS9...who on Earth, in this age, would ever develop a superior set of DC-10 simulations than the old CLS offerings? Oh well, it seems I can count on HJG to force me to retire old lite payware simulations of classic jetliners I've been enjoying for many years.
Post by aerofoto - HJG Admin on Jul 1, 2018 20:44:50 GMT
"Not complex" (in the true sense of that word) .... but rather .... just very well and sensibly featured .... since (as I mentioned in my update) these new DC-10 panels cater perfectly for those whom "don't want" to be bothered with systems fidelity .... and those whom "DO" want it .... both tastes being more than adequately catered for. As with any new product though there is/will be a learning curve .... of course that's unavoidable Sie werden diese Klaus genießen / You'll enjoy these Klaus You should have save your money aulde son You'll enjoy these too Dorel Mark C AKL/NZ
Post by George Carty - HJG on Jul 2, 2018 7:57:43 GMT
I've been enjoying my payware CLS DC-10s so very much ever since I got them many years ago. And I never imagined there would ever come a day when I'd actually be willing to retire them, in favor of some better future alternatives for FS9, payware or freeware, the creation and release of which seemed a scenario less likely to happen than me having a close encounter of the 3rd kind with citizens of the Sombrero galaxy. I mean...we're talking about the ancient FS9...who on Earth, in this age, would ever develop a superior set of DC-10 simulations than the old CLS offerings? Oh well, it seems I can count on HJG to force me to retire old lite payware simulations of classic jetliners I've been enjoying for many years. When the new DC-10 panel series goes public I'd be very interested in your opinions comparing my work with that of CLS – CLS's is obviously superior in that it has a VC, but its autopilot does seem to have an ALT HOLD button that didn't exist on the real DC-10 autopilot. George
Post by M.I.B. on Jul 3, 2018 0:37:14 GMT
I sure will George! From what I can tell so far, regarding the amount of systems replicated into your DC-10 panels, as well as their accuracy/fidelity, the comparison is going to be really interesting, some of the most interesting comparisons I will have ever performed in fact. I'd be inclined to say your panels will more or less put the CLS DC-10 to shame, but it's more complicated than that. Some CLS planes like the 767, look very good, and apparently have many systems modeled, replicating the look and feel of the real thing, but in terms of the actual systems behavior and logic - they're not THAT much more advanced than default planes really. They have many buttons, dials and knobs for controlling various real-life systems, and you sure can turn those dobs and knials so as to imitate the real-world operation properly, but whether you operate those switches and dials correctly or incorrectly, or whether or not you operate them at all, the plane will work just fine anyway, it won't penalize you, the only function of those switches being to trigger the relevant notifications and messages on the relevant displays. That's not really the case with the DC-10, which is a wee bit more serious. It replicates several systems in quite some detail, and they claim to have built the simulation in accordance with experience gained while studying Boeing manuals and while "flying" a real 3 axis simulator. But I still feel your work will surpass the old CLS at least in a few areas, to say the least. Despite being some of the more endowed CLS simulations, the DC-10s systems still look plain compared to your panels. Oh, and while a nice VC is always more than welcome, in my book, that hardly is a factor contributing to a simulation's superiority or inferiority. And that comes from someone who LUVS VCs. Oh, I'm happy to say money ain't no problem, since many of my addons are gifts from my like-minded buddies who retired their FS9s and the associated battalions of addons long ago. OK, I'll admit, it some addons cost me a pizza and a cola each. Meanwhile, my Wilco 737 classic series thank their lucky stars they're not lite simulations, but rather high fidelity ones (for their time), so they're not in danger of being retired, even if the HJG ones improve dramatically (but never say never, huh?). Not quite the same can be said about my TinMouse II 732.