Post by Klaus Hullermann on Jul 15, 2016 5:24:52 GMT
I agree with Mark: Nice work so far, George.
From what you have shown us, those new DC-10 panels will be quite complex and awsome!! When finished I think that the DC-10 Trijets will be the most complex jetliners HJG offers.
Post by Nathan Ford - HJG on Jul 15, 2016 9:03:36 GMT
OMG George, the detail is fantastic. I have purposely not been flying the DC-10 until I can fly it with what is building up to be an amazing addon
Post by Mike Monce - HJG on Jul 15, 2016 12:27:31 GMT
WOW! George is about to produce the definitive DC-10 panel. I may have to take a few weeks off just to be able to fly this beauty when it's released!
Post by George Carty - HJG on Jul 28, 2016 21:40:59 GMT
First variant of the F/E panel (differing from the standard DC-10-30) -- the DC-10-10 with only 3 fuel tanks: (AIUI very few DC-10-10s had the optional auxiliary tank, probably because the weight limit meant it couldn't really be used with a significant payload...) Attachment Deleted
Post by aerofoto - HJG Admin on Jul 29, 2016 16:56:52 GMT
Comming along "NICELY" George .... and "NICE" to know we can expect the technical variation you´re apparently incorporating to adequately represent sub versions for these particular aircraft .... and which is what makes such/your simulation work "so unique/special" Mark C BOG/CO
Post by George Carty - HJG on Jul 31, 2016 21:44:24 GMT
When looking at the technical documentation I noticed that the DC-10-40 has fuel heater switches, which neither the DC-10-10 nor DC-10-30 do. Do these heat fuel in the tanks, or only in the pipes leading to the engines, and is there something about the Pratt & Whitney JT9D engines which explains why the DC-10-40 has these heaters, but not any of the CF6-powered versions?
(Update: a search on Airliners.net suggests that this distinction also existed between these two engine types on the Boeing 747.)
Not sure Stan will know as IIRC he worked for American Airlines, which never operated the DC-10-40. Could anyone answer this, maybe with reference to other aircraft types powered by the JT9D?
Post by George Carty - HJG on Aug 1, 2016 20:03:24 GMT
And here's the DC-10-40I flight engineer panel as used by Japan Air Lines -- note that the hydraulic system gauges on this variant are in the upper right panel, rather than the lower left as on the CF6-engined models: Attachment Deleted
Post by aerofoto - HJG Admin on Aug 1, 2016 20:04:04 GMT
I´ve contacted someone .... and "MIGHT" have something for you soon George .... all going well Talk to you privately when/if I can supply .... OK Mark C BOG/CO
Post by gapeters on Aug 2, 2016 15:48:25 GMT
Fuel is heated when it passes through various heat-exchangers in the engine. The tanks are not heated.
Post by paulopp on Aug 30, 2016 11:22:46 GMT
First of all, thanks so much for your time and effort in developping this beautiful and extensive panel upgrade: I very much appreciate it!
I wonder if the freeware CIVA-INS and/or the ILH TCAS gauges could be integrated, maybe in alternative panel.cfgs, even though HJG does not offer support for these?
And if it's all possible: Please make the yoke with the famous DC-10 logo, I like it very much! ;-)
Post by aerofoto - HJG Admin on Aug 30, 2016 11:59:22 GMT
We don´t use the CIVA INS. George developed his own version of it .... and which is or prefrred option .... and which iswhat we´ve incorporated into our L-1011 panels, as well as some of the B707, B727, CV990-A, and DC-8 panels also. Incidentally .... the reason why only some of our B707, B727, CV990-A, and DC-8 panels are INS equipped is because not all versions of these aircrat were equipped with anything like it. In reality .... most (of the few that were) were equipped with the Dual Doppler NAV system (nd in most cvases that didnn´t even happen until the very late 1960´s/early 1970´s when flight navigators began to be parted-out), but, what we offer .... thanks to George .... is a very acceptable alternative .... I feel "I assume" Geoirge will probably incoprporate his INS into the DC-10 AP .... and these new DC-10 panels. Personally (sand thi´me onlyu) I´m not overly keen on incorporatig a yoke sub panel BMP .... BUT .... I´ll leave that entirely up to George´s discretion Mark C BOB/CO
Post by paulopp on Aug 30, 2016 18:17:54 GMT
Yes, of course it's entirely your decision, respectively George's, to incorporate whatever is preferred. All rights reserved. :-)
Probably this would lead a bit off course now, but I really wonder why HJG does take such a strict a priori position towards the CIVA-INS. You do not have to 'officially support' it in order to make use of it. Payware developpers even do incorporate it in their latest works. And this special DC-10 panel has the ambition to make a more extensive and intensive system simulation of the original - why work with a - no offense - 'lesser' represention in this respect? Fuel transfer and pressurization will be simulated, but for the INS we fall back to plug-n-play approach? It's not that HJG didn't make use of "third party" development as a matter of principle. Finally, I really don't plea for "either your custom INS or CIVA", but opt for alternatives. See the TinMouse approach with different panel.cfgs for different demands.
Don't get me wrong, please! I do not want to badmouth anything. It's totally up to you what you will do, I make no claims. I just wondered why the CIVA INS has such a hard stand with HJG particularly in this case, whereas in other freeware products it doesn't. Maybe I'm just too ignorant to see it. ;-)
And the yoke, of course, I really hate them too in 2D panels. I really, really do. But I like the DC-10 logo. ;-)
Post by aerofoto - HJG Admin on Aug 30, 2016 18:34:26 GMT
No problem Christin .... and "NO" offence taken at all either We´ve nothing against the CIVA INS (or those whom produce it) .... but rather .... it´s just that we´re content with what we have, and offer, and which we like to support also .... and that´s is just the way we are .... and the only reason are apart from their being "no reason at all" Assuming we use our own INS in the DC-10´s .... if folk want to replace it with something/anything else .... then .... that´s fine/up to them of course Mark C BOG/CO
Post by joscyriac on Sept 9, 2016 4:35:32 GMT
Hello George. Nice work there on the DC-10 FE panel. Only our DC-10 was lacking something compared to the other aircrafts. May i know when will the panel be available for download. No rush. Just curious
Post by aerofoto - HJG Admin on Sept 9, 2016 11:59:56 GMT
Interest "APPRECIATED" of course .... so .... I don´t mean to seem flippant when I reply that "HJG projects are ready when they´re READY" We do not, ever, commit to release dates. Some of our projects have taken "years" to develop .... like our recently released DC-8 FDE renovation, and our DC-9 project of a few fews ago, along with our currently and slowly progressig B727 project redevelopoment as well. It´s just the way we work .... the only way we can work Mark C BOG/CO